Collin County Aggie Moms
2020 scholarship application
Frequently asked questions
No, applications with an unofficial transcript will be considered. A PDF from the A&M Howdy portal or of a high school transcript will be accepted. High school students, please blackout your SSN on your transcripts.
The student has to ask the registrar at their high school if these scores are included. If your school does not include test scores on your transcript then an ACT/SAT score report must be submitted.
If your high school does not report these scores, you may include a copy of your score report from the SAT College Board or ACT websites.
Yes, a GPA of 2.5 is required for scholarship consideration.
Yes, applications and transcript/SAT/ACT scores received past the deadline will not be able to be considered. Applications must be received by 5pm on March 15th, 2020.
No, only the materials requested will be needed in the application for a scholarship. Our committee members review the same type of information for each applicant. Please do not send resumes or references letters.
Yes, as stated on the application, any resident of Collin County or child of a Collin County Aggie Mom or CCAM affiliate is eligible for a scholarship. Residents of a non-Collin County high school may be asked to verify that they are a resident with some official documents like a Collin County tax statement or car registration. This could apply to students that may have attended private schools outside of Collin County.
Yes, as stated on the application, transfer students that have been accepted to Texas A&M University for next fall 2020 are eligible. Transfer students will be considered in the group of Texas A&M returning students applying for scholarships. Transfer students may be asked to provide proof that they have been accepted to Texas A&M University for the fall semester.
No, only students accepted at Texas A&M University, College Station, Galveston and Qatar are eligible for these scholarships. Providing a UIN from TAMU will confirm eligibility.
In ranking the applications, the members of the committee are asked to use a scoring rubric in areas of academics, community service, activities, Aggie spirit etc. Please make sure your application is complete and well-constructed before submitting your final application.
Yes, if you have not received the CCAM scholarship in previous years, you may apply each year until you have completed your undergraduate or graduate degree(s) from Texas A&M University.
Your application will be considered incomplete and will not be able to be considered for this year’s scholarship process.